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Dr Ariadne Klonizaki


Dr Archaeologist
Department of Sculpture Collection

Ariadne Klonizaki is an Archaeologist, Curator of Antiquities at the Department of Sculpture Collection. She holds a PhD in Classical Archaeology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Honours). Her doctoral thesis (2019) is entitled “The dissemination of the cult of Asclepius up to the Early Hellenistic Period”. She holds a Master’s degree in Cultural Policy and Management from the University of Warwick, UK. He has worked in the restoration work of the Committee for the Conservation of the Epidaurus Monuments of the Ministry of Culture and in the excavations of the Asclepius of Epidaurus, under the direction of Professor Vassilis Lambrinoudakis, and in other archaeological projects in Corinthia, Boeotia and Thassos. Since 2000 he has been working at the Ministry of Culture. Her scientific interests concern the worship of Asclepius and other healing gods, ancient Greek sanctuaries and especially the Asklepieia and cultural policy and management. She speaks fluent English and French.



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