Dr Efi Oikonomou

Dr Archaeologist
Department of Vases, Metalwork and Minor Arts

Efi Oikonomou is Curator in the Department of Vases, Metalwork and Minor Arts. She studied Archeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.  She obtained a Master’s degree at the University of Southampton (England) and a Doctoral degree at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece).

She has worked at the IST Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, with the Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities as well as at the Directorate of Museums, Exhibitions, and Educational Programs.

Her research focuses on burial practices, religion, material culture, as well as the examination of iconography from the classical until the Hellenistic period.

She participates in excavations in ancient Morrylos, in the Prefecture of Kilkis (Central Macedonia). She has given seminars and lectures in Greece and abroad and has published articles and book chapters. Since 2018, she is participating in an interdisciplinary European research project that investigates the utilization of cosmetic/medicinal minerals in antiquity, particularly during the 4th-2nd centuries BCE, emphasizing the female burial contexts. The programme  has received funding from the Wellcome Trust Foundation.

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