Dr Georgianna Moraitou

Dr Conservator of Antiquities and Works of Art
Head of Conservation, Physical-Chemical Research & Archaeometry Department

Dr Moraitou Georgianna (Anita) is Head of Conservation, Physical-Chemical Research & Archaeometry Department at the Hellenic National Archaeological Museum (HNAM). She studied at the Panthėon Sorbonne – Paris I (1976-1979) Histoire option Archėologie” (DEUG) and obtained the “Certificat Pratique de Maitrise Sciences Techniques” (CP1-CP2). She continued her studies in the “Conservation of Archaeological Materials and Material Science” at the Institute of Archaeology, London University (now UCL) (BSc 1983). Since 1983 she works at the Hellenic Ministry of Culture in different museums and archaeological sites. In 2014 she completed her PhD at the Technical University of Athens on the “Deterioration and Protection of Glass”. She taught conservation at the undergraduate program of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and at the postgraduate program of the University of East Attica. Overall she is the author and coauthor of 67 papers in conference proceedings and scientific periodicals. She is author of two monographs on the history of conservation at the HNAM. Her special interests are the technology of ancient bronze statuary and the History of Conservation.

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