Dr Katerina Voutsa

Dr Archaeologist
Department of Prehistoric, Egyptian, Cypriot and Near-Eastern Antiquities

Dr Katerina Voutsa is Curator of Antiquities in the Collection of Prehistoric, Egyptian, Cypriot and Near-Eastern Antiquities of the National Archaeological Museum. She holds BSc (1995) and MSc (2000) in Archaeology. She is a graduate of the National School of Public Administration (2005) and has been awarded PhD degree on Prehistoric Archaeology (2012). She has been working for the Hellenic Ministry of Culture since 1997 and has been national representative in cultural committees of the EU and UNESCO.

Her scientific interests include the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean and more specifically the Linear B script. She has participated in the Program for Prehistoric Technology at the National Hellenic Research Foundation and has been member of several excavations in Greece and Cyprus. Her publications include contributions on Mycenaean economy and the bureaucratic procedures in use by the Mycenaean Palaces.

She teaches in the Department of Culture and Tourism of the National School of Public Administration and has published articles on the management and protection of cultural heritage.

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