Dr Kostas Paschalidis

Dr Archaeologist
Department of Prehistoric, Egyptian, Cypriot and Near Eastern Antiquities Collections


Kostas Paschalidis studied History at the Ionian University and Archeology at the University of Ioannina, where he received a PhD.

Since 1992, he has participated in dozens of archaeological excavations in Greece and Jordan. He co-directs the excavation of the Mycenaean settlement in Mygdalia, near Patras.

He is a Curator in the Department of Prehistoric, Egyptian, Cypriot and Near Eastern Collections since 2002. He is a Secretary at the Central Archaeological Council since 2012.

He has published two archaeological monographs in English and about forty academic papers, concerning various topics of the Creto-Mycenaean world and of archival research related to the history of the Archaeological Service and the NAM.

He received an IKY scholarship (1998-2000). He has been a Peter Warren Visiting Professor at the University of Bristol (2018). He was a Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies at Harvard University in Washington DC (2019) and a Margo Tytus Fellow at the University of Cincinnati (2020).

For a list of publications, please follow the link:https://namuseum.academia.edu/KostasPaschalidis

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