Dr Wanda Papaefthymiou

Dr Archaeologist
Department of Sculpture Collection

1983 Bachelor of the Philosophical School of Athens University. Department of History and Archaeology.

1985-1990 Dissertation at the University of Würzburg (Germany) “Grabreliefs späthellenistischer und römischer Zeit aus Sparta und Lakonien”.

1992 Publication of the Dissertation in Munich at the archaeological series “Quellen und Forschungen zur antiken Welt”.

Working experience

1993 – 1996 Archaeological Museum of Eleusis

1997-2000 Excavations and Restorations of the Monuments of Ancient Messene

2001-2016 Restorations of the Monuments on the South Slope of the Athenian Acropolis, Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens

2017 Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities. Hellenic Ministry of Culture

2018 until today Curator at the Department of Sculpture Collection of the National Archaeological Museum.

Excavations: Tiryns (1982-1984), Murnau and Bad Neustadt an der Saale (Germany 1991), Magnesia on Maeander (Turkey 1992), Ancient Messene (1996-2000).

Scientific Research

Presentations and articles in Greek and international conferences, articles in scientific magazines and essays in Scientific Catalogues of Exhibitions at the National Archaeological Museum.

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