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European Day of Conservation (2018)

In the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage of 2018, the National Archaeological Museum participated in the celebration of the European Conservation Day with a special lecture and a tour to some of the Museum’s artifacts, which took place on Tuesday 16 October.

Presentation: 17:30 – 18:30, amphitheater of NAM (entrance from 1, Tositsa str.)

Speaker: Dr. Georgianna Moraitou

Title: “180 years of conservation of antiquities in Greece. From the technical employment role to the profession of conservator of antiquities and works of art, and conservation science”.

Museum Tour: 18:30 – 19:30

The participants took a special tour to the Museum’s exhibition halls together with conservators and archaeologists, looking for traces of conservation interventions in selected antiquities.

  1. Youth from Antikythera (P. Feleris)
  2. Kouros from Sounio (I. Panagakos, Ch. Tsouli.)
  3. “Small Herakliotissa” (K. Tsakri)
  4. Aphrodite Canovas (G. Moraitou)
  5. Amphora 803 (St. Koutouvali)
  6. Klazomenian sarcophagi (K. Ioannidou)

The event had a great success with a participation of around 100 people.

Organization:     -Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments

-Association of Conservators of Antiquities & Works of Art of higher education

-ICOM, Hellenic Department

Detailed program: www.culture.gr, www.ssaette.gr

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