JUN 2020



From Monday the 15th of June 2020 onwards, the National Archaeological Museum will welcome its visitors

Dear visitors,

From Monday the 15th of June 2020 onwards, the National Archaeological Museum will welcome its visitors, following a period of about three months that remained closed due to special measures for the prevention of the spread of the coronavirus – COVID-19.

For the forthcoming period, the duration of which it is still difficult to define, your attendance will be based on the observation of guidelines, so as to make sure that your visit in the spaces of the National Archaeological Museum will take place in the best and safest conditions possible.

Please take into account the guidelines prior to scheduling your visit, and, of course, keep in mind the need to observe them during the time you will spend viewing the Collections of the National Archaeological Museum.

The National Archaeological Museum remains at your disposal to assist you by providing information and answering your questions, at the following e-mail address eam@culture.gr


Manner, procedure and guidelines for your visit to the National Archaeological Museum  

  • During your visit to the National Archaeological Museum please observe the following guidelines:
  • In all spaces inside the Museum keep at least 2 metres away from other people
  • Take notice of the special marking for queuing, wherever necessary
  • Throughout your visit the use of non-medical mask is obligatory, covering the nose and mouth
  • In the elevator priority should be given to people with mobility impairments and special health issues.
    The elevator can be used strictly by two people at a time. Please apply to your hands the alcohol disinfectant solution before entering and right after stepping out of the elevator.
  • Obligatory movement along the indicated safe trails, specifically marked

For organized guided visits please keep carefully the following guidelines:

  • It is obligatory to use a non-medical mask, covering the nose and mouth
  • Maintain strictly safe distancing rules
  • Use of wireless guiding, when available, for keeping the required distance from other people
  • Groups of visitors are allowed to include up to eight people at a time
  • Obligatory movement along the indicated safe trails, specifically marked

 Before the visit of People with Mobility Impairments, please contact on the phone the National Archaeological Museum

  • Please comply with any instructions given to you by the staff of the National Archaeological Museum, whenever necessary, according to the general guidelines for the observation of safety and hygiene rules regarding visitors and staff in the museum premises
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