Theodora Zania

Department of Administrative and Financial Support

Born on 26-02-1971 in Thermo, Etoloakarnania, Greece. She is single and works at the National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece.

From 2020 until today, she has been serving as an employee at the National Archaeological Museum and works at the Secretariat department on a permanent contract.

From 2004 until 2020, she served as an employee under private law contract of indefinite duration, at the HOC, specifically at the Panathenaic Stadium as a craftsperson and security guard.


1988                                                 High School Diploma, Thermo High School, Greece

19/10/1991-2/4/1992                  Certificate of Training Program entitled “Modern office organization techniques with computers” by ELKEPA

2021                                                 Certificate of knowledge of IT and computer operation, by the Vocational Training Center “VIAS O PRIINEUS”.

2022                                                 Certificate of Training Program entitled “MYANARROTIKES: Registry Of Human Resources Of The Hellenic Public (CENSUS) – National Center for Public Administration & Self-Government.

2023                                                 Certificate of Training Program entitled “Special Program of Administrative Competency” by the Training Institute of the National Center for Public Administration (IN.EP.)


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